Up next in our countdown of reasons to see “Submarine Races ‘Manty'” —

4. What a combo of characters! One of the things we love about LMBF shows is seeing how cast members interact with one another on stage. From one liners to physical comedy, you never know what you’re going to hear or see! Often our shows pair up different cast members in a variety of ways. In this show, we have a couple of different groups portraying different characters to keep the storyline moving.  We don’t want to give away the entire show, but we’ll share that Frank Hermans and Michael O’Malley are one comedy duo (brilliant!), and then David Gusloff and Tom Verbrick are another comedy duo (what a pair!). Be prepared for some big laughs from these guys. And yes, this is the first time David and Michael share the LMBF stage together! The female trio of Amy Riemer, Lisa Borley and Kasey Schumacher are together again and jive so well together — not only in musical numbers, but also in scenes. Pat Hibbard plays the boss of the women workers and let’s just say there are some fantastic moments of miscommunication between Kasey and Pat’s characters!

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